will return either true or false depending on the entered slash command option being auto completed or
not. (autoCompleteRespond function)
This will create a slash command with the “autoComplete” feature:
Please note that you require “events: [“onMessage”, “onInteractionCreate”] ” in your main file (also known as, in
most cases, index.js)
name: "createSlashCommand" ,
$createApplicationCommand[global;example;Awesome example interaction command with auto-complete!;true;true;slash;[{
Checking if autoComplete equals true
if so it will respond with the given respond (addition of the code above):
$autoCompleteRespond[First option;You selected the first option, therefore I'm responding with this!;Second option;You selected the first second, therefore I'm responding with this!]
Create the slash-commands with another option:
name: "createSlashCommand" ,
$createApplicationCommand[global;example;Awesome example interaction command with auto-complete!;true;slash;[{
Using JSON and checking if autoComplete equals true
if so it will respond with the given respond (addition of the
code above):
"value" : "You selected the first option, therefore I \' m responding with this!"
"name" : "Second Option",
"value" : "You selected the second option, therefore I \' m responding with this!"