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Client Intents

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Two types of intents exist:

  • Standard intents can be passed by default. You don’t need any additional permissions or configurations.
  • Privileged intents require you to toggle the intent for your app in your app’s settings within the Developer Portal before passing said intent. For verified apps (required for apps in 100+ guilds), the intent must also be approved after the verification process to use the intent.

List of Intents

Guild Intents

  • Guilds (R)
    • Access data about guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildMembers (R)
    • Access data about members in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildPresences (R)
    • Access online status and activities of members in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildMessages
    • Access messages sent in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildVoiceStates (R)
    • Access voice state information of members in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildIntegrations
    • Access data about third-party integrations in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildWebhooks
    • Access data about webhooks in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildInvites
    • Access data about invites in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildVoiceDiscovery (R)
    • Access data about Voice Discovery in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildEmojisAndStickers
    • Access data about emojis and stickers in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildMessageReactions
    • Access data about message reactions in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildChannelMessages
    • Access messages sent in guild channels (requires additional configuration).
  • GuildTyping
    • Access information about users typing in guild channels.
  • GuildScheduledEvents
    • Access data about scheduled events in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildVoiceStates
    • Access voice state information of members in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildIntegrations
    • Access data about third-party integrations in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildWebhooks
    • Access data about webhooks in guilds the bot is in.
  • GuildInvites
    • Access data about invites in guilds the bot is in.

Direct Messages

  • DirectMessages
    • Access data about direct messages sent to the bot.
  • DirectMessageReactions
    • Access data about reactions in direct messages sent to the bot.
  • DirectMessageTyping
    • Access information about users typing in direct messages to the bot.

Privileged Intents

  • GuildMembers
    • Access data about members in guilds the bot is in (requires verification).
  • GuildPresences
    • Access online status and activities of members in guilds the bot is in (requires verification).
  • GuildVoiceStates
    • Access voice state information of members in guilds the bot is in (requires verification).