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Hosting Service

Setting up

  1. Find a host to use. This will be probably the hardest step if you plan on not paying for one. One of the most trusted free hosts is DBH, but there are many others out there. If you’re willing to pay, you can use DigitalOcean, Vultr, or AWS.

  2. Access your created server.

  3. Use the console to install and set up your server.

    Installing packages
    npm init -y && npm install aoi.js
  4. Create a new project

    Creating Project
    aoijs create --dir ./

After doing those steps, we’re ready to get started!

Editing Files

Once the project is created, you can edit the files in the aoijs directory using the host’s built-in text editor.

Showing the Files Tab with files
Showing the Files Tab with files

You can access all your files via the Files tab in most cases.

Continue to navigate there, that’s where you can edit the index.js file.

Add your Discord Bot token and your prefix to the file, then save it by pressing Ctrl + S, or using the save button.

Do the same for your commands as you did with your index.js file.